Monday, 4 August 2014

Braiding for Dummies

I only learned how to braid literally like two weeks ago, the only time my hair gets braided is when one of my sisters do it for me. I remember checking online on how to braid hair and there weren't any images so I ended up getting extremely confused. It's actually pretty easy once you understand the pattern, you can master this in about a minute. Hopefully the visuals in this guide is clear enough for you braiding newbies!

STEP ONE: Grab a section of your hair and separate them into 3 equal parts. Label from left to right A, B, and C in your mind

STEP TWO: Place section C over section B or RIGHT over CENTER

STEP THREE: Place section A over section C or LEFT over CENTER

STEP FOUR: Pull on all three strands so that your braid tightens, label the endpoints of your hair A, B, and C from left to right

STEP FIVE: Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 until no hair is left then secure it with a hair tie
TIP: While you are braiding, say the pattern out loud so it's easy to remember..

Right over Center > Left over Center 
Right over Center > Left over Center
Right over Center > Left over Center

And you're done! Now you've mastered the art of basic braiding. You can accent your hair whenever you want but don't braid your hair just to impress a guy. He won't notice anything different with you unless you shaved your head.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Get Tan Quicker for Summer!

Summer, the best time to head to the beach and relax under the sun.

...I personally hate the sun; it makes me sweat, and I get easily irritated when the heat is intense. Some people want to get tans but it takes too long for them to get so they end up purchasing tanning accelerators. Luckily for you, if you're short on cash, this guide will show you an inexpensive way to making your own tanning accelerator!

STEP ONE: Grab sunscreen, cola, an empty spray, and baby oil

STEP TWO: The most important step, wear sunscreen! It's very important to wear sunscreen not only to prevent you from getting sunburns but also the risk of getting skin cancer

TIP: SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The duration of your sunscreen is your SPF value multiplied by 10. So if you apply sunscreen with an SPF of 15, it will last 150 minutes

STEP THREE: Combine cola and baby oil into the spray. Add more baby oil until you get the consistency to your liking

STEP FOUR: Spray your "new" tanning accelerator onto your skin

Cola can not only be used as a beverage, but also a sun tan lotion substitute! Just don't let anyone see you spraying yourself with cola, it looks weird.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

How To: Make Cut Flowers Live Longer

Have you even gotten a bouquet of flowers? I haven't but that's okay, I hate them anyway. As you're placing them in a vase you're thinking, "Great, in a few days I have to clean up this crap". However, there's a special trick into getting these unlucky organisms to live longer without having to buy those nourishment packages.

STEP ONE: Grab a penny and a teaspoon of sugar

STEP TWO: Drop your penny and sugar into the vase

The sugar feeds the flowers while the penny acidifies the bacteria produced from the sugar so that they live longer. This is basically torture, similar to getting your legs chopped off and being fed so that you don't die. It's sick and you should be ashamed. Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

How To: Make YouTube Videos Repeat Automatically

Have you ever found a song you liked on YouTube and grew tired of replaying the video manually?
Look at the URL of your video then click in between youtube and .com and type repeat.


change to

Now go enjoy listening to your song over and over and over again.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Emergency Candle Substitute

I don't know who actually purchases candles specifically for black-outs because at home we always carry flashlights and scented candles in the storage room. For those of you who don't own any of those items, you could always light up a crayon and use it as a candle and they last for about 30 minutes.

If it's your child's crayon, make sure you ask for permission before you piss them off.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Finding Small Items Easier

I have terrible vision and my glasses don't do any good so finding small items such as jewelry would be extremely tough for me. Here's how you can find missing items easier especially in hard to reach places.

STEP ONE: You need a stocking, rubber band, and vacuum a cleaner

STEP TWO: Unroll the stocking onto the vacuum tube then secure it with a rubber band

STEP THREE: Turn on the vacuum then start searching!

Hopefully you will find your lost belongings because finding misplaced items to me is one of the most amazing feelings ever. Good luck!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Keeping your Water Bottle Ice Cold for Summer

I remember vending machine drinks were only $1 and now they're around $1.50 to $2.50, it's crazy! It's summer, your quench for thirst is more frequent and you don't want to pay for overpriced drinks.

The problem with bringing your water bottle from home is that it either ends up being too warm when left in the car or completely frozen to the point that it's undrinkable. This guide will show you a smarter way on how to keep your bottle ice cold during entire day.

STEP ONE: Uncap and fill your bottle up halfway with water (You must do this step the day before heading out)

STEP TWO: Place your bottle on it's side next to the sink so that any excess can spill out

STEP THREE: Take your water bottle and leave in it in the freezer overnight. Make sure the bottle is on it's side

STEP FOUR: Once you are ready to go out, fill up your bottle with your favourite drink but if you're exercising, I recommend water because sweating and drinking pop is gross

Your drink will be ice cold within a few minutes and will last the entire summer day.

Monday, 21 July 2014

How To: Eat a Cupcake Efficiently

Most likely those who've eaten a cupcake for the first time has probably struggled eating both the filling and the cake. This simple guide will show you how to efficiently eat a cupcake with minimal effort.

STEP ONE: Carefully peel off the cupcake liner

STEP TWO: Horizontally slice the cake section in half using a knife

STEP THREE: Switch the top section with the bottom section so that it's built similar to a hamburger

Now you can enjoy eating your cupcake without having to worry about your icing finishing first.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Quick & Easy Fruit Fly Trap

Fruit flies are usually attracted to rotten produce and if you tell me you have fruit flies around your home, I'll accuse you for living in a dirty home. This guide will show you how to trap fruit flies with minimal effort.

STEP ONE: Grab a glass cup, plastic wrap, rotten fruit, and a toothpick 

STEP TWO: Place the rotten fruit into the cup

STEP THREE: Wrap the top of the glass with plastic and use the toothpick to create a hole big enough to fit in the fruit flies

Now watch your cup become a utopia for fruit flies and hopefully you will now consider about leaving rotten produce on your dining table.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

How To: Revive Dry Mascara

This is the face I make when my mascara dries out.

Mascaras usually last about 3 months but I've been using the same one for almost a year! This guide will help those who want to save money and not feel pressured to get most out of their mascara before it dries up.

STEP ONE: Place the container in a mug then pour boiling water until it is almost covered

STEP TWO: Wait about two minutes for the mascara to hydrate and kill the bacteria

And you're done! the moment you try it, it will feel like as if it was new. The mascara will dry a lot quicker, so about every 3rd application requires the container to run under boiling water again.

How To: Easily Separate Egg Yolk from Egg White

If you're one of the those people who do a dreadful job at separating an egg yolk from the egg white, then this post is for you!

STEP ONE: Grab an egg, plate, and a plastic water bottle

STEP TWO: Crack open the egg and place the liquid onto the plate

STEP THREE: Gently squeeze the bottle before placing the mouth against the yolk then release and it will suck it like a vacuum! (Don't forget to look amazed while you're doing it, too)
And you're done! Make sure you clean up after you're done because I really can't stand people who don't clean up after themselves.